Save valuable time with our do-it-yourself workshops. Each workshop contains a fully prepared string of Liberating Structures to help your team use Scrum more effectively. People who support our mission through patreon.com can download all digital content for free. This benefit starts from $5 USD/month.
How does this help your team?
In some organizations, Scrum is implemented in a top-down fashion by management. In other organizations, teams start experimenting with Scrum and it moves up into the organization. Or it is a mix of both.
In both cases, teams need a lot of support from their environment to make it work. For example, from management, stakeholders, and other departments like HR, sales, or finance.
Many of the challenges that make it hard to work empirically can't be solved by Scrum teams themselves. For example, the organization uses a budgeting system that forces teams to make unrealistic forecasts. Or the sales department makes promises to customers that teams can't live up to. Or management keeps reshuffling team composition, which results in stress, loss of productivity, and frustration.
While this harms productivity and the ability of teams to work empirically, it isn't done on purpose. Often management, stakeholders, and supporting departments aren't aware of the functional needs of Scrum teams.
The purpose of this do-it-yourself workshop is to explore essential needs and to give both the teams and their environment to make clear requests, and receive a clear answer from them.
Give this workshop a try, and let us know the results.
How does it work?
The PDF outlines a detailed tried-and-tested 105-minute workshop that relies on Liberating Structures to engage and unleash your team. The string is designed with virtual gatherings in mind and includes:
- Appreciative Interviews
- What I Need From You
- Drawing Together
The string is optimized for groups of any size beyond 8+ participants.
What do you receive?
- An 11-page full-color PDF.
- We take you through the flow of the string in great detail. Not only do we explain all the steps involved, but we also explain why they are happening. This should make it easier to design your own strings in the future.
- The instructions support all virtual collaboration tools where you can create breakouts or separate channels occasionally (such as Zoom, GotoWebinar, and Teams). You can set up an additional virtual whiteboard in a tool like Mural, Google Slides, or Miro if you prefer.
- The PDF outlines additional resources and useful reading, both to prepare and to distribute afterward.
More inspiration
- Get our book the "Zombie Scrum Survival Guide";
- Explore our paper "10 Powerful Experiments to Overcome Zombie Scrum"
- Read our whitepaper where we explain the Scrum framework, and its principles and values, in our own words.