Whenever we use Scrum in teams, organizations, or a public community, we also use a wide variety of supporting material. For example, illustrations and posters. An illustration can be a powerful instrument to help people learn. In the past years, we created many of them together with Thea Schukken. This illustration is a nice example.
How does this help your team?
This poster describes the purpose of the Scrum framework in a single overview. What we love about this poster is that it doesn't talk about Scrum Masters, Sprint Reviews, or "Done" increments. Rather, it explains how Scrum is all about delivering value to your stakeholders sooner. This poster is a great learning aid in your conversations with teams, management, or stakeholders. It's also a great reminder to put it on the wall in your team room.
Liven up your team room with this smashingly complete and colorful visualization of the Scrum framework out there.
What do you receive?
A high-resolution poster ready for printing and sharing.
For more inspiration, check...
- Our Zombie Scrum series on Medium
- Our in-depth articles grounded in scientific research
- Try the Scrum Team Survey to diagnose your team and start improving