The 'Scrum Events & Activities' card-exercise tests your knowledge of the various Scrum events and which activities should (at a minimum) take place there.
How does this help your team?
We designed this exercise to help teams discover the purpose of the various events in Scrum. What is the purpose of the Sprint Review? What happens when we skip the Sprint Retrospective?
With this exercise, you trigger conversations about what is happening during your event and what should be happening during them. If this overlaps well; great job! If not, you can identify improvements as a team.
We've also found this to be a good learning aid for Scrum Masters, trainers, and Agile coaches.
We created this exercise for the Professional Scrum Master II Class by Scrum.org and offer it here with their permission. The class is a great way to learn more about the purpose of Scrum events. If you haven't attended this class, make sure to do so!
What do you receive?
- 18 cards activities (including 5 activities that shouldn't go anywhere)
- 2 optional replacement cards to account for key changes in the Scrum Guide 2020
- 4 cards with Scrum events
- 1 card with an explanation on how to play the game
- Not included are the right answers. The conversation really is more important than the actual answer. If you're really unsure, our on-going series of Scrum Mythbusters and the Scrum Guide help you in the right direction.
- The large cards are 21x15 cm, the activities are 15x10.7 cm.
Also for virtual teams!
You can also use this with your virtual team. In addition to the physical deck, you also receive a free digital download with detailed instructions (11 pages) for how to run this exercise virtually. This also includes all the cards as separate images (Jpg), ready for upload in your collaboration tool of choice.
More inspiration
- Check out or on-going series of posts for Scrum Mythbusters.
- Read our whitepaper where we explain the Scrum framework, and its principles and values, in our own words.