Whenever we work with teams, organizations, and public communities, we use a wide variety of supporting material. For example, illustrations and posters. An illustration can be a powerful instrument to help people learn. In the past years, we created many of them together with Thea Schukken. This illustration is a nice example.
How does this help your team?
It's easy to say "Everything must be done". But when time & money isn't unlimited, where do you start first? The "Effort~Value Canvas" is a great way to help teams to pick the most viable options to start focusing on. Use it to order your backlog, roadmap, or any other kinds of product-related decisions.
Obviously, you can also use it outside of product development. I'm sure you can identify many other interesting possibilities!
Use Liberating Structures like 1-2-4-ALL, Impromptu Networking, or Conversation Cafe to engage everyone to complete the quadrants.
What do you receive?
A digital high-resolution poster ready for printing and sharing.
For more inspiration...
- Try our DIY workshops that help teams use Liberating Structures
- Join our user group: The Liberators Network