Save valuable time with our do-it-yourself workshops. Each workshop contains a fully prepared string of Liberating Structures to help your team use Scrum more effectively. People who support our mission through patreon.com can download all digital content for free. This benefit starts from $5 USD/month.
How does this help your team?
If your team or organization decides to work empirically with Scrum, you will inevitably run into impediments and challenges that prevent you from being effective. Many of those are probably systemic. For example, teams often struggle with a focus on valuable outcomes when management doesn't set valuable goals either. In a similar vein, low quality at the level of individual teams may cause low stakeholder satisfaction on the level of a product or even the entire organization. The most effective changes are those that affect, involve, and influence all levels - and this workshop will help you do just that.
In this do-it-yourself workshop, you bring together - virtually or in-person - people from three levels of aggregation in your organization: individual teams (level 1), the product (level 2), and the supporting organization (level 3). With the Liberating Structure Panarchy as the framework, you invite participants to explore how impediments and opportunities flow up and down the levels in the "system" of your organization. How are impediments on the level of individual teams impacting impediments at the organization level, and vice versa?
This workshop is a great way to drive changes across the system and to build the skill and muscle to do take this systemic perspective more often. Please note that this workshop requires experienced facilitators, so try some of our easier ones first. But the impact you can achieve with this workshop is well worth it!
How does it work?
The PDF outlines a detailed tried-and-tested 160-minute workshop that relies on Liberating Structures to engage and unleash your team. The string is designed with virtual teams in mind and includes:
- Panarchy
- Ecocycle Planning
- 15% Solutions
- Spiral Journal
- Gallery Walk
- 1-2-4-ALL
- Impromptu Networking
We recommend a size somewhere between 12 and 75 people. With fewer than 12 participants, the collective intelligence is probably too small to notice deep patterns.
What do you receive?
- A 15-page full-color guide (PDF).
- A set of 12 activity cards for Panarchy is included, and you can add more or use other activities.
- We explain how impediments are often systemic, and how Panarchy is a great way to look at how the system in your organization impacts your ability to be effective.
- We take you through the flow of the string in great detail. Not only do we explain all the steps involved, but we also explain why they are happening. This should make it easier to design your own strings in the future.
- The instructions support all virtual collaboration tools where you can create breakouts or separate channels occasionally (such as Zoom, GotoWebinar, and Teams). You can set up an additional virtual whiteboard in a tool like Mural, Google Slides, or Miro if you prefer.
- The PDF outlines additional resources and useful reading, both to prepare and to distribute afterward.
More inspiration
- Never done Ecocycle Planning before? We recommend you do this before you try Panarchy, and this do-it-yourself workshop is a great help.
- Get a physical copy of our Ecocycle Planning for Scrum Teams, which includes helpful supporting materials for both Ecocycle Planning and Panarchy.
- Get our book the "Zombie Scrum Survival Guide";
- Order our product kit "Unleash Scrum In Your Organization" for more material to use Panarchy.