Save valuable time with our do-it-yourself workshops. Each workshop contains a fully prepared string of Liberating Structures to help your team use Scrum more effectively. People who support our mission through patreon.com can download all digital content for free. This benefit starts from $5 USD/month.
A do-it-yourself workshop to create awareness of toxic behavior as a necessary first step to eliminate and replace it with healthy, productive communication patterns.
How does this help your team?
This workshop aims to help teams and organizations identify and address the toxic behaviors and communication patterns that can damage relationships and hinder productivity.
During the workshop, participants learn about the various types of toxic behavior that can arise in a team setting, such as defensiveness, blaming, contempt, and stonewalling. They also learn strategies for recognizing and addressing these behaviors and techniques for improving communication and building more robust, productive relationships.
The workshop is designed to help teams and organizations foster a culture of respect, openness, and collaboration and minimize toxic behavior's harmful effects on team dynamics and overall performance. By addressing these issues proactively, teams can improve their ability to work together effectively, communicate clearly, and achieve their goals.
The concept of "team toxins" is based on the work of Dr. John Gottman, a psychologist, and researcher who has spent decades studying relationships and communication patterns.
This workshop's inspiration comes from Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC). Barry Overeem helped me to make it even more engaging and impactful using Liberating Structures.
With the steps in this guide, you can run this workshop independently. But if you need help, do not hesitate to contact me at christian@hofstetter-coaching.com or reach out to me on LinkedIn.
Let me know how it went!
Christian Hofstetter
How does it work?
The PDF outlines a detailed step-by-step 120-minute workshop that relies on Liberating Structures to engage and unleash your team. The string is designed with online teams in mind and includes:
- Impromptu Networking
- Spiral Journal
- 1-2-4-ALL
- 15% Solutions
- 10x10 Writing
What do you receive?
- A 12-page full-color guide (PDF).
- We take you through the flow of the string in great detail. Not only do we explain all the steps involved, but we also explain why they are happening. This should make it easier to design your own strings in the future.
- The instructions support all virtual collaboration tools where you can create breakouts or separate channels occasionally.
- You can set up an additional virtual whiteboard in a tool like Mural, Google Slides, or Miro if you prefer.
- The PDF outlines additional resources and useful reading, both to prepare and to distribute afterward.
Good combinations
- A deck of Liberating Structures Design Cards - Extended Edition
- A deck of Liberating Structures Visual Design Cards
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