Scrum impacts the entire organization. To unlock your Scrum team's superpowers, improvements are necessary within and especially around teams. We created this kit to help see the bigger picture. It's filled with materials to diagnose Scrum in your organization and unleashes its potential with Scrum.
How does this help my team?
The materials in this kit are based on our ongoing scientific investigation with the 'Scrum Team Survey'. By analyzing data from over 7.000 teams, we identified five core factors that distinguish effective from less effective Scrum teams. We also identified over 20 lower-order factors. This kit includes two posters that summarize the core findings and should make it easy to use an evidence-based approach to Scrum.
The beating heart of this kit is "Panarchy". It is the most powerful way we know to collaboratively analyze the system in and around Scrum teams. With the Impediment cards, you can visualize where support is needed. It isn't always easy to transition from knowing where the problems are to getting the help you need from the people who can give it. So we included "What I Need From You" to drive these conversations. We also included a huge stack of Quick Tips that we created with our community. Even in environments where everything seems stuck, these cards provide many practical and simple ways to trigger big change through many small steps. You can capture all these improvements on the 15% Solutions blocks we included.
The exercise "Panarchy" to diagnose Scrum in your organization. You help Scrum teams, stakeholders, and supporters understand how their system works and find leverage points for improvement.
- The exercise "What I Need From You". It helps Scrum teams to clearly express their needs and for others to clearly respond to those requests. This sidesteps the corporate jargon that often muddies such requests, and is essential for groups to be successful. The exercise includes a 50-sheet block of tearable 'help request cards'.
- A card deck with 102 Quick Tips to improve your Scrum team. We categorized them into the factors you also find in the Scrum Team Survey. This exercise encourages you to trigger big change by starting small.
- 5 Impediment cards. Impediments are problems the team can't resolve themselves. Use these 5 impediment cards to make visible where you're stuck and need support from others to improve the situation.
- A 50-sheet block of tearable 15% Solution-cards. Ready to be filled out by members of your team.
- Poster: What Makes Scrum Teams Effective? This poster offers a nice, visual overview of the core findings from our scientific investigation into what makes Scrum teams effective.
- Poster: Factors That Determine Scrum Team Effectiveness. This poster offers an overview of all the 20+ factors that determine a Scrum team's effectiveness.
- A facilitation guide. You receive a 16-page PDF that describes how to use the included exercises.
- Some assorted extras. Like a journal or stickers. Who knows :)
Also for virtual teams!
You can also use this with your virtual team. In addition to the physical deck, you also receive a free digital download with detailed instructions for how to run the exercises virtually. This also includes all the cards as separate images (Jpg), ready for upload in your collaboration tool of choice.
About the material
We hope to liberate our planet from waste too, so our material is printed on 100% recycled paper and inked with ecological paint.
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