Zombie Scrum is something that looks like Scrum from a distance but lacks the beating heart of a working product. We wrote a book about it and created this kit to get you on your way to recovery.
How does this help my team?
We created this first aid kit to help Scrum teams diagnose and start their recovery from Zombie Scrum. Or to celebrate when everything is on track! The kit includes one powerful exercise to create transparency, one to ask the right questions, and one to capture the small steps you intend to take to recover. And there's some nice decoration included for your team room as well.
While some exercises also appear in the Zombie Scrum Survival Guide, you can use this kit as a stand-alone addition.
What do you receive?
- 1 Ecocycle Planning for Scrum Teams to diagnose where your team is between Zombie Scrum and Professional Scrum. Do it once and then again every so often to check the team's pulse.
- 1 deck of Powerful Questions to start asking the right questions.
- 1 deck of 15% Solutions to capture how everyone in your team wants to personally contribute to the improvements you identify.
- 1 large Zombie Scrum First Aid Poster to decorate your team room.
- 1 deck of Liberating Structures Visual Design Cards.
- An assorted set of Zombie Scrum stickers.
Detailed information about each exercise or game is available behind the links.
Also for online teams!
You can also use this first aid kit with your virtual team. In addition to the physical decks, you receive a free digital download of all exercises in the kit (not the book)! This includes detailed instructions for how to run the "Ecocycle Planning for Scrum Teams" and the "Powerful Questions" online. All the cards are attached as separate images (JPG), ready for upload in your collaboration tool of choice.
About the material
We hope to liberate our planet from waste too, so our material is printed on 100% wood-free, recycled paper, and inked with ecological paint.
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